Launch Outcomes with a Platform for Human Services
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Launchpad Health and Human Services Solutions

Technology to help you move your participants from 
Dependence to Independence, faster.

Supplemental Nutrition & Assistance Program, Employment, & Training

Launchpad provides a safe and secure platform to modernize the way you delivery SNAP E&T programs.  Easily intake and assess participants. Track subsidized employment, job club, skills, and wage gains. 

Launchpad Health and Human Services Solutions -  Supplemental Nutrition & Assistance Program, Employment, & Training
Launchpad Health and Human Services Solutions - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for 
​Needy Families

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) provides funding for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program. States have a lot of flexibility as to how they deliver TANF services, but a primary focus of the program is to move participants toward gainful employment. Launchpad's TANF software solution modernizes the way HHS agencies delivery services, with case management, supportive services tracking, job matching, workforce participation tracking and more. 

Housing & Homeless 

With the cost of housing outpacing peoples incomes, there is a greater need for housing and homeless services. Launchpad provides a modern homeless management information system (HMIS) including intake, assessment, supportive services, collaboration, referrals, reporting, and data management. 

Launchpad Health and Human Services Solutions - Housing & Homeless

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