Launchpad was the first technology company to develop a CRM based approach to workforce development case management and business services. Our clients recognize that the future of workforce development will be data-driven, demand-driven and human-centered.
Modernize your Workforce System, while Driving Innovation and Integration
Deliver on the intent of WIOA with a fully integrated, multi-program platform that includes human-centered case management, a labor exchange jobs portal, and business services and analytics platform for state, regional and local workforce development.
Help Client become Self-Sufficient by Modernizing TANF & SNAP Employment Programs
Provide Opportunity Today while Investing in the Workforce of the Future
Improve youth engagement and automate manual processes with a proven platform for youth employment. Whether it’s a summer program or year-round, Launchpad will help increase engagement with mobile apps and SMS messaging and simplify referrals with service provider portals, all while streamlining back office with timesheets and automated workflow.
The Path to Career Success now runs through Technical Education
Engage Employers and Drive Sector Strategies with a CRM platform for Business Services
The bottom line in workforce development is successful employment. Measure the economic impact of your organization by tracking job creation, retention, and wage gains seen from program involvement. Give participants the best chance at success by tracking in-demand talent and skill requirements.
During times of Economic Uncertainty, help Employers and Job seekers Access the Services they need
Customer Success
“Currently, we’re tracking seventeen different types of programs from teams across the organization, and the ability to customize what we track and how we track, allows us the freedom to analyze and take action in areas that need it.”

Joshua Cosner
CIO of Kinexus Group